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Rotary Foundation Raffle

Rotary Foundation

For more than 100 years, Rotary has made a difference in the lives of millions around the world. Your support of Rotary Foundation Australia helps end polio and improve communities through a range of diverse projects.

Rotary is focused on several critically important causes that make a significant difference to the lives of people in need, in Australia and around the world.  These causes align closely with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals  

Our donors choose which cause they wish to support but if you prefer, you can also engage with us to direct your support to specific Rotary projects.  Rotary Foundation Australia provides the opportunity to invest in humanitarian outcomes that are very tightly aligned with your purpose.

Community Partnerships

Develop a strong and committed relationship with local Schools, Commercial Organisations, Sports Bodies, Health Groups and Community Interest Groups.

The partnerships will lead to mutual participation and develop a strong bond for community development particularly in areas of disadvantage.

Our club is enthusiastic to advance youth development through partnerships with local public Primary and Secondary Schools.

Youth Scholarships

Working with local sports, arts, and educational bodies to support young people through scholarships.

The Scholarships target disadvantage, skills development, leadership and community dedication. The young recipients are encouraged to participate in Rotary Service projects, with strong community involvement.

A strong focus on Club involvement in local schools, with hands on help and awards to encourage academic endeavours.

Dental Project Timor

Volunteers from Rotary Fitzroy and Albert Park, working to lift dental health in Maubisse,Timor Leste. 

Prevention, school education, fluoride brushing and treatment, reduce decay rates by up to 70%.​ Training local people is an important aspect of our work.

6 on ground teams delivering free clinical help and expanding to cover 22 schools in a 3 year program treating 2000 children.

Donate, volunteer or help raise funds.